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Ysgol Gynradd Pontsenni

Sennybridge C. P. School

Cymraeg Campus




The Criw Cymraeg at Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Pontsenni (pupils from both the Welsh and English streams) work relentlessly and with great interest to promote the Welsh language across both the Welsh and English streams. The role of the Criw Cymraeg is to encourage and support pupils, staff, parents, grandparents, friends of Ysgol Pontsenni and visitors to the school to make use of the Welsh language and speak Welsh in the: classroom, around the school, in the canteen, outdoor areas and on the school yard during break times.

 In addition to this, the Criw Cymraeg encourage and support individuals to socialise in their locality and outside of school in the shops, sports clubs and sports fields, Young Farmers Club, chapel/church and Sunday School. The Criw Cymraeg present a new language pattern, weekly, Welsh idioms and present weekly certificates. They organise activities that encourage and support the use of the Welsh language.

 Mae Criw Cymraeg yn Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Pontsenni (disgyblion o’r Cyfrwng Cymraeg a Chyfrwng Saesneg) yn gweithio’n hynod o frysur a gyda diddordeb i hyrwyddo’r Iaith Gymraeg ar draws y ddau ffrwd. Mae aelodau’r Criw Cymraeg yn gyfrifol am annog ac helpu disgyblion, staff, rheni, rhieni cu, ffrindiau yr ysgol ac ymwelwyr i siarad Cymraeg o fewn yr ysgol, draw yn y ffreutur ac ardaloedd tu fewn a thu fas yr ysgol ac ar iard yr ysgol yn amseroedd egwyl.

Yn ogystal â hyn maent yn annog unigolion i gymdeithasu yn ein cymunedau a thu allan i’r ysgol, sef yn y siopiau, meysydd a chlybiau chwaraeon, Clwb Ffermwyr Ifanc, y capel /eglwys ac Ysgol Sul. Mae’r criw yn cyflwyno patrymau iaith wythnosol, idiomau Cymraeg a chyflwyno tystysgrifau wythnosol. Maent yn trefnu amrywiaeth eang o weithgareddau sydd yn hyrwyddo siarad Cymraeg a’r defnydd o’r Gymraeg.






Nod y Siarter Iaith yw cefnogi ac annog ein plant a phobl ifanc i siarad Cymraeg ac hyrwyddo defnydd o’r Gymraeg mewn gwahanol sefyllfaoedd yn yr ysgol, tu fas i’r ysgol ac yn y gymuned ehangach. Llywodraeth Cymru sy’n gyfrifol am arwain y Siarter, ac yn eu geiriau nhw, ‘Mewn gair, ysbrydoli ein plant a’n pobl ifanc i ddefnyddio’u Cymraeg ym mhob agwedd o’u bywydau’ yw’r nod.

Y nod gan Lywodraeth Cymru ydy cynyddu nifer o siaradwyr Cymraeg ac i gael miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050. Bydd Ysgol G.G Pontsenni yn cael cyfle i ennill gwobr efydd, arian ac aur. Mae hyn yn dibynnu ar faint o Gymraeg mae’r disgyblion yn ei siarad o ddydd i ddydd - mewn sefyllfaoedd amrywiol yn yr ysgol a’r gymuned ehangach. Mae’r Siarter Iaith yn gyfle i bawb yng nghymuned yr ysgol chwarae eu rhan wrth hyrwyddo’r defnydd o’r Gymraeg - cyngor yr ysgol, y disgyblion, y gweithlu, rhieni, llywodraethwyr a’r gymuned ehangach er mwyn sicrhau perchnogaeth lawn o’r iaith. Yn Ysgol G.G Pontsenni rydyn ni am rannu’r manteision gyda’r plant o’r hyn sy’n dod o siarad Cymraeg a bod yn ddwyieithog.

The main aim of the charter is to support and encourage our children and young people to speak Welsh and to encourage the use of Welsh in different situations within the school, outside of the school and in the wider community. The Welsh Government is responsible for leading the Siarter/ Charter and they have set out key strategic priorities for increasing the number of Welsh speakers in Wales to a million by 2050.

We want to inspire our children and young people to use Welsh in every aspect of their lives. Ysgol G.G Pontsenni will have the opportunity to win a bronze, silver and gold award. This will depend on how much Welsh pupils speak from day to day - in different situations within the school and within the wider community. The Welsh Language Charter asks for a contribution from every member of the school community – the pupils, the school council, the staff, the parents, the governors and the community. At Ysgol G.G Pontsenni we want to share with our pupils the benefits of speaking Welsh and what it means to be bilingual.

Our Criw Cymraeg, which is made up of pupils from Years 2 up to Year 6, are working enthusiastically to work with all the pupils, staff, parents, governors and the wider community to come up with ideas and to lead initiatives, events and competitions to encourage the use of Welsh spoken within our school and within the wider community. The Criw Cymraeg would also like to encourage local businesses, organisations and individuals to use Welsh in events, meetings, celebrations, places where people meet and socialise, in shop windows, on posters, community notice boards, signs etc within our local area.




Bore Coffi / Welsh Coffee Morning

Manteision Dwyieithrwydd / Benefits of Bilingualism

Posteri Darllen / Reading Posters
