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Ysgol Gynradd Pontsenni

Sennybridge C. P. School

Gwisg Ysgol / School Uniform

We believe that a school uniform is important because it looks smart, it wears well, it contributes to a sense of belonging, it gives a common purpose and fosters a feeling of pride. We ask that pupils wear the uniform and we encourage them to maintain a good standard of clean and tidy dress in school. 


Our school colours are royal blue, pale blue and grey.


Our school uniform consists of:

  • Royal blue sweatshirts/ cardigans (Royal blue hoodies acceptable for Year 6)                         (with or without the school logo)
  • Pale blue polo shirts (with or without the school logo)
  • Grey trousers / skirts / tunics
  • White, grey or black socks.
  • Sensible flat dark coloured shoes or trainers / flat boots as a winter option.


Pupils can wear school fleeces or waterproof coats or any coloured coat.


Summer Options: 

  • Plain grey, black or navy shorts 
  • Blue and white check gingham dresses 
  • Sandals with socks 
  • Any cap for sun protection



  • Swimming costume 
  • Swimming shorts above the knee
  • Goggles with parental consent 
  • Clean towel


Our logo uniform can be ordered through ‘The Prints of Wales’ however, it is not essential for parents to purchase logo uniform, other non-branded items as long as within school colours are acceptable. Parents are respectfully asked to name all items of pupils’ clothing. 


For health and safety reasons, it is important that pupils are appropriately dressed for any physical activity. School PE kit is available to purchase from ‘The Prints of Wales’ however again non-branded logo uniform is acceptable within school colours. PE kit can be worn to school on PE days.


Our PE kit consists of: 

  • Plain house colour T shirt (with or without the school logo)
  • Dark black or navy shorts 
  • Trainers 
  • Tracksuit bottoms are advisable in the colder weather.


Kits should be worn to school on PE days. Please await guidance via SCHOOP on which days your child has PE.


Other useful items:

In addition to the uniform and PE kit, wet weather gear, school bags, book bags, PE bags, water bottles and caps emblazoned with the school badge may be ordered through the school secretary. However, please note that there is NO expectation that you purchase clothing which has the school logo on it. 


Jewellery / Make up / Hair: 

We request that pupil jewellery is kept to a minimum for safety reasons. Ear studs and watches are acceptable. Watches need to be removed and earrings removed or taped for P.E. activities.


It is recommended that hair accessories are kept simple, such as slides, ribbons, bobbles etc.  No makeup, including nail varnish should be worn, or body tattoos.

We recommend that hair should be neat and tidy and worn with no extremes of style or colour.  We also recommend that long hair should be tied back during the school day.


School Uniform Grant

If your child is eligible for free school meals, you can also get a school uniform grant when they start Year 7 at high school or go to a special school, special needs resource base or pupil referral unit and are aged 11 at the start of the school year.

Powys County Council find eligible pupils using the free school meals records and get in touch with parents/carers about the school uniform grant.

If your child is transferring to a school outside Powys, please apply to the authority that maintains the school.


Seconds Uniform

Where possible, school will aim to make second hand uniform available to parents either via the office or school events such as Summer Fayre & Christmas Fayre. If any parents are in need or would like to enquire about this please contact the school.





'The Prints of Wales' provide uniform items with our logo embroidered to order.

Please use the following link to their website and use 'Sennybridge2' as the secure word.
